Night Stand with Secret Side Drawers | StashVault - Secret Stash Compartments

Two hidden drawers slide from the side of this table.

Qline Design has released this beautiful nightstand with a standard drawer, and two storage shelves beneath. It’s an heirloom quality table, built to last out of either walnut or cherry wood.

But this is no standard nightstand. This is a Secret Agent Nightstand that conceals two drawers that slide out from the side. These drawers are hidden very effectively in the trim pieces along the top and bottom of the table. You would not expect the relatively thin shelf at the bottom to conceal a full width drawer.

Secret drawers conceal into side of table

This table can be configured to your custom needs, and the drawers can be secured with RFID locks if wanted. This makes a great bedside companion to store valuables and self defense items, securely and out of site.

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