cabinet | StashVault - Secret Stash Compartments
Hidden Kitchen Storage Compartment

Hidden Kitchen Storage Compartment

User dexaler on Reddit created this covert cabinet with multiple secret compartments in his kitchen. When closed, you can’t tell there is any storage there. But you can flip open a couple rustic boards and reveal easy to access goodies inside. There are a lot of...
Secret Gun Cabinet Behind Mirror

Secret Gun Cabinet Behind Mirror

Mike at MD-Const just started putting together these gun cabinets that fit in the wall. They are concealed by a full-length mirrored door that slides to the side. I don’t have dimensions, the cabinet can store pistols, long guns or other...
Wall-Mount Jewelry Box with Secret Compartment

Wall-Mount Jewelry Box with Secret Compartment

This jewelry box featured on mounts to a wall and has a side pivoting door to access contents. The interior shelves slide down, however, to reveal a secret jewelry storage compartment behind. This type of storage is nice because a thief is less likely...
Security Equipment Cases & Furniture

Security Equipment Cases & Furniture

Winsted offers up a full range of security furniture for use in commercial, industrial and public spaces. This lockable steel equipment cabinet is one example. It includes a plexiglass door to monitor what’s...
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