contraband | StashVault - Secret Stash Compartments
Phones Smuggled in Shoe Soles

Phones Smuggled in Shoe Soles

This photo shows shoes being used to smuggle cell phones into a prison. Law enforcement are taking additional precautions to keep cell phones from entering jails and prisons in these methods.
Lumber Truck with Hidden Moonshine Compartment

Lumber Truck with Hidden Moonshine Compartment

This lumber truck was actually used during Prohibition to smuggle alcohol. Agents only investigated because they smelled the odor of a broken bottle. They found a hidden trapdoor in the back that opened to a secret compartment holding 70 cases of...
Hidden Compartment in Truck Bed

Hidden Compartment in Truck Bed

The motorcycle in the rear of this truck has the bottom half cut off and is used as a prop. The false bottom placed around it it is supposed to conceal contraband. However, if anyone looks in the bed, it’s obvious that something is being stored...
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