hidden room | StashVault - Secret Stash Compartments
Hidden Bookcase Door from InvisiDoor

Hidden Bookcase Door from InvisiDoor

Hidden bookcase doors are becoming more popular and are available from a number of mainstream sources. This bookcase door from Invisidoor can be found on Wayfair. Made to fit either 32″ or 36″ wide door frames, these bookcases are available in your choice...
Hidden Trap Door to Basement

Hidden Trap Door to Basement

We found this basement entrance hidden under a carpeted trap door on Photobucket. It appears the door conceals the seldom used basement and allows for the space above to be used as a small office area when closed. An installation like this goes against some building...
Secret Passage in Palazzo Vecchio

Secret Passage in Palazzo Vecchio

The Palazzo Vecchio in Florence hosts a number of mysteries, like this secret passage in the Hall of Maps. One of the maps swings out to allow access behind to a completely different area of the building.
Secret Billiard Door to Gun Room

Secret Billiard Door to Gun Room

We weren’t able to find much information on this secret door, but we like the style. This billiard rack organizes pool cues and triangles for the game room. But it opens up to become a passage to a secret gun storage room. One less common feature of this secret...
Stairs Behind Secret Bookcase Door

Stairs Behind Secret Bookcase Door

This secret door on Hometalk is a good example of a faux bookcase door. It looks like a bookcase from a distance, but to safe weight and space the bookcase have been cut down and permanently affixed to the shallow shelves. While not making the space useful as both a...
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