Secret Bookcase Door in Library by Chad King | Jan 28, 2016 | Stash PicsOne of this elaborate library’s bookcases rotates out to reveal a hidden passage to the wife’s home office.
Secret Bookcase Door in Library by Chad King | Dec 22, 2013 | Stash PicsThe Stift Admont Library in Austria houses several secret doors, including this secret bookcase passage that reveals a staircase behind.
Secret Bookshelf Door in Library by Chad King | Jan 31, 2013 | Stash PicsFound this picture of a nice secret bookshelf door in a library wall, but don’t have any accompanying information.
Secret Gun Compartment in Office/Library by Chad King | Jan 29, 2013 | Stash PicsThis custom office setup, built by a user on, conceals an array of guns behind a secret door. When closed the wooden panel holds diplomas and accolades. But when opened up you have access to a complete...
Double Bookcase Doors in Library by Chad King | Jan 8, 2013 | Stash PicsCabinets of Atlanta focuses on cabinets, but can do custom woodwork like these double bookcase doors.