trap door | StashVault - Secret Stash Compartments
Hidden Trap Door to Basement

Hidden Trap Door to Basement

We found this basement entrance hidden under a carpeted trap door on Photobucket. It appears the door conceals the seldom used basement and allows for the space above to be used as a small office area when closed. An installation like this goes against some building...
Stainless Steel Exterior Utility Hatch

Stainless Steel Exterior Utility Hatch

While investigating the the Deck Hatches recently on Lucigold’s site, we ran across these heavy duty utility hatches. They implement the same overlapping lip design and gas shock supports as the deck hatches, but are made for use anywhere a horizontal hatch is...
Deck Hatches to Hide Cellar Entrances

Deck Hatches to Hide Cellar Entrances

Yesterday we presented a custom deck trap door that allowed access to an external cellar basement door. That set us on a journey to see what other options there were for the same function. We found this company, LuciGold, that makes hatches for this specific purpose....
Deck Trap Doors Conceal Cellar Entrance

Deck Trap Doors Conceal Cellar Entrance

Sometimes hidden passages are created out of necessity for a functional space. Userjb2411 on was hired to build a backyard deck. The deck was going to be at door level and cover over the exterior doors the basement cellar. To retain access to the...
Custom Oak Trap Door in Floor

Custom Oak Trap Door in Floor

Bob Durnell posted this custom woodworking project over at LumberJocks. The small, seldom used basement of a California home lent itself to be accessed by a trap door. Bob lined up oak boards with the existing hardwood floor. He then epoxied those to an MDF board and...
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