Bedroom Set with Secret Gun Compartments | StashVault - Secret Stash Compartments
Bed and Nightstands with Secret Gun Compartments

Bed and Nightstands with Secret Gun Compartments

We found this “high capacity” wooden bed and nightstand set Rough Country Rustic Furniture. It’s called high capacity for a reason. The headboard and the footboard each have secret compartments that can hold 2 rifles. The headboard also accommodates pistols and magazines with an 18 inch magnetic strip. The front panels swing up to reveal the secret compartments.

The side of each nightstand closest to the bed opens up from the top to reveal easy to access compartments. 18″ magnetic strips as hold well positioned pistols and magazines. All hidden compartments are kept secure by childproof magnetic locks.

We’ve seen other beds and nightstands that have compartments for emergency weapons and supplies, but this set outdoes them on volume of hidden space. We also really like how you access the nightstand storage areas. It is quick and easy access in case of emergency.

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