Cash Stash Found in Just Bought House Returned | StashVault - Secret Stash Compartments

A couple bought a house in Utah, where the previous owner, Arnold Bangerter, had passed away. Upon getting the keys and checking it out, the husband, Josh Ferrin, finds $45,000 in cash and other valuables stashed in the ceiling. The stash was housed in 8 WWII ammo boxes, and included cash, old stamps, bond certificates and other random memorabilia. Dates on the bills and coins started in the 70’s and 80’s, when it’s assumed Arnold started putting back the cash.

The couple said they never thought about keeping the money. They contacted Arnold Bangerter’s youngest son and the executor of Bangerter’s estate, Dennis Bangerter to return the stash.

It’s comforting that the couple that found this returned it to its rightful owner, but let this be a reminder to have a plan for your stash once you pass on.

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