DIY Faux Wood Pile in Fireplace | StashVault - Secret Stash Compartments
Faux Wood Pile in Fireplace

Faux Wood Pile in Fireplace

Hidden Storage Behind Faux Wood Pile

Hidden Storage Behind Faux Wood Pile

This Pinterest Challenge was created by Morgan over at Pepper Design Blog a couple years ago as a winter project. After having issues with the gas fireplace, they shut off the gas and she designed a way to cover up the old charred opening. A variation of this could be used in conventional fireplaces as well to insulate in the off season, or create some out-of-site storage in an unused fireplace.

They measured the fireplace opening, cut out a piece of plywood that fit it, then attached various pieces of eucalyptus wood cut at about 3″ lengths. They are attached to the plywood with wood glue and a nail gun. The added depth of the logs allows the panel to stand on it’s own in the opening, or it could be attached temporarily in a number of ways.

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