Mexican Drug Smugglers Tunnel Under Border to Arizona Parking Spots | StashVault - Secret Stash Compartments

The smugglers getting drugs from Mexico to the United States were caught stepping it up a notch in the last couple of weeks. In the small border town of Nogales, Arizona, authorities found pavement plugs in the metered parking spaces along one street. Tunnels were dug from Mexico, underneath the boarder, and under these parking spots.

Assistants on the US side would park above with false bottom vehicles, take the drugs, and move on. Smugglers below would use jacks to put the pavement plugs back in place. Bystanders didn’t even notice anything had went down. All in all, 16 tunnels were found, leading to 18 of the pavement plugs.

The city, advised by Homeland Security, has agreed to remove the parking meters in the future. Local security forces say the feat is one of the most elaborate schemes to get drugs across the border ever.

Original Smuggler Story on Yahoo

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