This site was created due to curiosity about and a desire to create secret stashes. This desire is shared by a number of people, but since the topic is inherently about secrecy, it doesn’t get discussed much. That said, we are constantly bombarded with the...
Hidden bookcase doors are becoming more popular and are available from a number of mainstream sources. This bookcase door from Invisidoor can be found on Wayfair. Made to fit either 32″ or 36″ wide door frames, these bookcases are available in your choice...
This secret bookcase door project got taken a little farther than most. After building a bookcase door that slides into a false wall cubby, user Kirzbleen at Instructables added an actuator with programming to open the door automatically. This secret door took months...
Here’s a homemade secret bookcase closet door build directly in the old closet’s frame. It looks to be made out of pine with a simple screw and glue method. The hinges are visible in this swing-out style door, so it’s not a true secret, but still...
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