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Home Owner Finds Secret Silver Stash

Home Owner Finds Secret Silver Stash

A new home owner was surprised to find a room in his basement with a lockable steel door. He found only an empty safe inside, and thought nothing of it. When he went to work on the pipes, though, he found a stash of silver worth around $2200. This page has more pics...
Found Treasure Will Be Returned to Spain

Found Treasure Will Be Returned to Spain

A court decision has determined a sunken treasure found by US treasure hunters in the Atlantic Ocean, to be from the from the Nuestra SeƱora de las Mercedes, a Spanish frigate sunk by a British squadron off Cape St Mary, Portugal, in October 1804. The precious haul,...
$22 Billion Stash Unearthed at Indian Temple

$22 Billion Stash Unearthed at Indian Temple

A lawyer petitioned a local court asking the state government to take over the 16th-century Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple in Trivandrum, citing inadequate security. India’s Supreme Court then ordered the inspection of the vaults, two secret vaults sealed for...
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