valuables | StashVault - Secret Stash Compartments
Water Bottle with Stash Compartment

Water Bottle with Stash Compartment

While not completely secret, the storage compartment in this AUTOSEAL® Kangaroo water bottle from Contigo is very useful. It’s big enough to hold cash, keys and cards when you’re traveling light, like at the gym, pool or...
How Secure Are Hotel Safes?

How Secure Are Hotel Safes?

Not all hotel safes are as secure as you think. There is a default pass code on these safes, and this one tends to be all 0’s (000000). Check to see if the default pass code is changed on your hotel safe before leaving...
Cash Stash Found in Just Bought House Returned

Cash Stash Found in Just Bought House Returned

A couple bought a house in Utah, where the previous owner, Arnold Bangerter, had passed away. Upon getting the keys and checking it out, the husband, Josh Ferrin, finds $45,000 in cash and other valuables stashed in the ceiling. The stash was housed in 8 WWII ammo...
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